I recently listened to a sermon by a most amazing preacher of the Gospel by the
name of Mike Riccardi. He teaches at Gracelife Pulpit, which is part of John MacArthur's flock at Grace Church. He also is a contributor at The Cripplegate.
His last sermon was from Philippians 4:5 and titled "Gospel Shaped Affections: A
Gentle and Forbearing Spirit." The a few of his recent messages have been to
show us how to have "spiritual stability", which I find much needed as we
Christians look out at the growing tsunami of anti-Christ thinking. After
speaking on the many recent newsworthy witch-hunt's of businesses that have been
unjustly persecuted over their religious convictions he asks this spirit
prodding question.
"And so the question is: In the midst of that kind of devoted hostility to your
Savior and His Word, how will you be able to stand firm against the pressures
that are sure to come if the Lord tarries? How will you be able to hold your
ground? How will you be able to "suffer hardship...as a good soldier of Christ
Jesus," as Paul says in 2 Timothy 2:3?" Good question isn't it?
Well, what do we have
at our disposal to face this hostility?
Mike tells us that the answer for spiritual stability culminates in Philippians
4:5 which says "Let your gentleness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand;"
Wait! What? The way to confront this growing hostility is to show how
reasonable/gentle we are? Yes, and hopefully you will see that as well as we go
The Christians in Philippi, and for that matter most of the Roman world lived in
an ever increasingly hostile environment towards Christians. Everywhere the
Gospel went it upset the pagan authorities and disrupted businesses, which
thrived on idolatry in many cases. Christianity was also looked on as a form of
atheism by Rome, for the new converts no longer worshipped the Roman Pantheon
and refused to worship Caesar.
So what are these embattled believers to do? Now days the advice would be to
create a "Religious Right" or demand equal treatment under the law (which I
thank God we do have that ability in this country to use the court system). But
Paul has another way of dealing with it, one that we modern first world
Christians must embed into our heart.
First, let's go back to Phil 1:27, if we
read the Greek, it says to "Only behave as citizens worthy of the Gospel" Paul's
first remedy in "spiritual stability" as Mike puts it, is for us to remember
where our citizenship lays.
If you go to the website for becoming a citizen of the United States paragraph 2
of the oath states "Renounce and abjure absolutely and entirely all allegiance
and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty of whom or
which the applicant was before a subject or citizen;" Or in other words, you are
now a citizen of the U.S. and you MUST renounce allegiance to any other foreign
power. This is what happened to us when we were reconciled to God through His
Son Jesus Christ. We are no longer citizens of this earth, we are merely
sojourners now, soldiers fighting behind enemy lines awaiting the King to call
us back to Himself or for Him to invade this hostile country and take it back
for His own.
I understand that we still must abide by those authorities placed over us as
long as they do not contradict God's law, but we, as Christians, are now to
swear allegiance to God alone. To continue in v.27 " I may hear of you that you
are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving side by side for the
faith of the gospel." To tack on to the above thought we can add, to be worthy
citizens of Heaven is that we stand firm in one spirit.
Of course that sound a bit contradictory, to stand firm makes it sound
confrontational yet we are speaking of being gentle, how can you do both? Good
In the words of Mike "But paradoxically, we've been learning that the church
stands most firmly and most resolutely against the evil influences of the world
when the people of God are the most yielding and most accommodative of one
Notice those last two words? "One another", it is an oft made qualifier within
the Bible which emphasizes our relationship within the Church. In the Gospel of
John we have the "cause and effect" statements like John 13:34 "A new
commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you,
you also are to love one another. Or in the epistles like Ephesians 4:2 "with
all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love."
From my quick count, there are well over 100 "one another" statements made in
the Epistles, most of them go from an indicative phrase/thought to an
imperative. Or in other words "because Christ did this (indicative) therefore do
this (imperative).
This is the direction that Paul almost always goes, in that, we as Christians
must start with the "one another" and that will inevitably flow out to the
In v2-3 Paul exhorts the Philippians to reconcile two dear ladies by the name
Eudia and Syntyche, that they may "agree in the Lord." There was something going
on between these two ladies that was causing so much disunity that Paul had to
address it. What was the cause? We are not told, but as Mike reminds us of the
letter of James in which he said "What is the source of quarrels and conflicts
among you? Is not the source your pleasures that wage war in your members?" (Jas
4:1). The greatest affront to the unity of the Church is when we strive for our
own agendas, our own selfish rights.
Mike continues with what the fix of
disunity is,
"The antidote to disunity is a relentless pursuit of joy in the Lord! Because
when we seek all our pleasure and all our joy in Him, we will be satisfied, and
will no longer feel the need to quarrel and bicker about things which, if we
could have them, wouldn't bring us as much pleasure as the Lord Himself does
That's right folks, joy is the explosives expert when it comes to defusing the bomb
that has laid waste to many a church. But a superficial, happy-go-lucky joy is
not sufficient, it must be a joy that is focused on an object, and that object
as we see in Phil 4:4 is Christ, "Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say,
rejoice." As we lay down our "rights" and focus on Christ, those offenses that
Susie committed against you become of little consequence when it compares to the
unsurpassing joy of knowing Christ. Joy in the Lord is the next step in
spiritual stability for as we find our joy in Christ it leads to unity and
ultimately to us treating each other in gentleness.
Next post I will show what Mike Riccardi points out are the characteristic of the Christians gentleness. But I'll leave you with this.
Mike speaks of Charles Simeon, a British pastor, who
wrote, "It is by a conformity to this latter precept [of gentleness], no less
than by his obedience to the former [to rejoice always], that the true Christian
will be distinguished. In fact, this precept enters very deeply into the divine
life: and it is only in proportion as its influence is exhibited in our lives,
that we have any satisfactory evidence of our conversion to God".
Next post I will continue on what the characteristics of this gentleness looks
like in the life of a believer.
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